1. Use Activity Monitor

  • Here's 5 ways to speed up your Mac Free up storage space. Sometimes, all your MacBook needs is a data cleanup. The more crowded its SSD becomes, the slower. Perform some First Aid. Next, let's clean up the applications you are keeping. When you install an app on your Mac, the.
  • For older iMacs, replacing the current hard drive or fusion drive with an SSD (solid-state drive) can significantly improve your Mac’s speed and performance. Similar to adding more RAM, be sure to check which SSDs are compatible with your iMac model.

Improve Mac Performance Appraisal

If you want to see what apps are using up your system, open the Activity Monitor in the Utilities folder.

Activity Monitor shows all the processes on your Mac (some of which you can’t or shouldn’t close) so click on View and Windowed Processes. Now click on the CPU button and the CPU column to list all programs by the amount of CPU they are using.

You can also use this to see what memory, disk and network processes are using up resources. A new feature in Mavericks is Energy that enables you to see which apps and processes are using up the most amount of energy from your battery.

2.Manage your startup items

Obviously, a clean startup helps speed up a Macbook that’s running slowly. No wasted time waiting for Chrome, Firefox, or Safari to load. Instant access! Well, when your Mac boots up, it runs a lot of unnecessary apps that slow your Mac down.

A good Mac optimizer should be light on system resources and compatible with the latest and oldest version of the Mac operating system. I checked each cleaning app for Mac on the list and confirmed they perform as they say without comprising Mac performance. Easy to use – Software programs are designed for humans, not for robots. With Macs getting more and more powerful all the time, it’s becoming far too easy to minimise an application window, and then forget about it – but the apps, processes and software that’s running on your Mac has a huge impact on your laptop’s overall performance. MacOS Mojave is a brilliant upgrade to the Mac operating system, bringing lots of great new features like Dark Mode and the new App Store and News apps. However, it’s not without its problems. In the weeks since its release, early adopters have reported numerous teething issues, many of them affecting the performance of their Macs. A memory upgrade is ideal for improving responsiveness, running apps faster, and smooth multitasking. Because nearly every computer operation relies on memory, it’s essential to have as much of it as possible, which is why a memory upgrade is one of the best ways to improve Mac performance. This is a key factor because most Mac systems don. Performance Partners program details. Apple Performance Partners are a select group of top-tier brands and high-quality content sites we work with to generate sales traffic. We provide marketing assets and support to help connect your customers with our products, and you earn commissions from eligible sales.

When you search on a browser, like Chrome or Firefox, you can change your Google Search settings. The settings include SafeSearch, video autoplay, location, and more. Your Google app settin. https://kidsnin.netlify.app/google-settings-app-mac.html.

Take control of your Mac again! Go to your System Preferences > Users & Groups and then click on your username. Now click on Login Items. Select a program you don’t immediately need when your Mac starts up, and then click the “” button below.


Taking care of these startup programs is an easy way to help add speed to your Mac.

3. Turn off visual effects

Improve Macbook Performance

Most Macs are now capable of running Mac OS X Mavericks without any trouble. But some people prefer to keep the dock static to prevent slowdown. Click System Preferences > Dock and uncheck the following check boxes:

  • Magnification
  • Animate opening applications
  • Automatically hide and show the dock
  • Turn off accessibility

Now click on Minimize windows using and change Genie Effect to Scale Effect.

4. Update your software (and set to auto update)

Make sure you perform a software update for Mac OS X and all the apps installed in Mac. Click on the Apple icon in the menu bar and choose Software Update (or open Software Update in the App Store).

If you have apps purchased outside of the App Store, they will need to be updated separately. You’ll usually find Check for Software Update from the program name in the menu bar.

AppFresh is an app that can help keep track of all your software and checks it constantly to see if updates are available. Some apps can also self-update by integrating with AppFresh.

You should also make sure that Mac OS X keeps itself up to date. Click on System Preferences > App Store and ensure that Automatically Check For Updates is ticked. You can also tick Install App Updates, which will automatically ensure that apps are updated.

5. Clean up your hard drive

Cleaning your hard drive is by far the best and easiest way to speed up your Macbook. Go through your hard drive and clean out everything that’s slowing it down.

What exactly is slowing it down? Caches, logs, apps, widgets, language packs, plugins, hidden trash, and large files. Get rid of these things to increase the speed of your Mac. It’s true that you can do this all manually, but finding all of these items and removing them takes time. Plus, you have to know where to look.

Don’t worry; there are tools to help you clean out all the junk files. One of the best is Cleaner One Pro! Cleaner One Pro knows what files to remove, where they are, and how to completely remove them.

You just click Junk Files, Scan, Select and then Clean to completely remove gigabytes of unnecessary files. It’s incredibly easy to use!

No wasted time. No headaches. Just a faster Mac.

Version: 1.4.1, For OS X 10.9+, 2.4 Mb space

I work for Trend Micro and the opinions expressed here are my own.

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System cleanup in one click
Make your Mac fast and secure with CleanMyMac X.

Since the early days, Macs have never been associated with hardcore gaming, unlike their PC counterparts. Games for Mac were customarily more simple and none of the top games were even present on the platform for a long time.

Top games require top-level setups. But with Apple’s focus on beauty and simplicity of design, Macs have always been offered as turnkey solutions in few variations. That meant little wiggle room for all the customizations best Mac games required.

Meanwhile, the gaming industry skyrocketed, mainly on PCs, which made it easy for people to build powerful computers to take full advantage of all the latest games and then update those computers with even more processing power, RAM, and new video cards to keep up with the gaming evolution.

Improve Mac Performance Step By Step

Macs eventually did catch up, or maybe games have reached a plateau of sorts, when most top computers’ power and graphics got good enough to run just about any new game, short of VR. Today, gaming on Mac is becoming increasingly more popular, and more developers are dedicating resources to producing new (as well as porting older) hit games for the operating system. Thus the iconic StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty was developed for both PC and Mac at the same time, while hugely popular Stardew Valley was ported to Mac at a later date. Steam games for Mac are also gaining popularity worldwide as the Steam platform continues to grow.

Set up your Mac for gaming

We know what your Mac clearly lacks. Games. Install Setapp and prepare your computer for a perfect gaming experience.

So if you have a Mac today and want to dive into the gaming world — it’s not that hard. All your Mac needs is just a little tweaking and optimization to make sure you can really enjoy the experience.

How To Optimize Mac For Gaming

When you start thinking how to play games on your Mac and about what you need to do to optimize your Mac so you can get maximum performance out of it, first of all, think about getting more space, freeing up memory, clearing up clutter, turning off unneeded features, and lowering your graphics card requirements. If none of those do the trick, you probably need another Mac, which we’ll also discuss.

Free up space for Mac games

Whether you’re getting Steam games for Mac or download one-off titles from the App Store, one thing is for sure — they take up lots of gigabytes on your hard drive. More than that, besides the actual size of the game, it’s also recommended that you keep at least 25 GB (and preferably more) of your hard drive free, as some of that space would be used while you play.

How do you free up so much space? Start by going through your Mac’s folders and see if there is something you truly haven’t used in a while. Check Movies, Music, and Pictures folders in your user Library — those tend to be quite heavy. Even if you can’t delete something, consider moving it to the cloud.

Then go to the Applications folder and check if you can purge an app or two there. Anything you haven’t used in a year is probably better deleted and reinstalled than kept occupying space on your disk. And, of course, don’t forget to delete games you no longer play.

This process may take a while, and in fact it’s quite hard to delete things off your drive completely, as various affiliated files are always clinging on and hiding in the most remote folders of your Mac. The good thing is you can use software to detect clutter and remove it completely, leaving you enough space for even the best Mac games.

To start, download a pro-level disk analyzer like Disk Drill. Besides its main purpose of recovering lost files and data, it’s a top utility for revealing what your disk space is consumed by. Simply use the “Clean up” tab to scan your disks and remove anything you don’t need anymore.

When it comes to uninstalling applications, solely removing the folder from Applications could potentially leave hundreds of associated files all over your hard drive. With an optimization utility like CleanMyMac X, you can use an Uninstaller scan and find everything that belongs to the application to delete it at once.

Keep an eye on your Mac’s performance

While having lots of free space will generally boost your Mac’s performance, it’s not the only contributing factor. For instance, RAM and CPU are just as important. And once you hear the overheating fans, you really need to take a look at how your processing power is being consumed.

Best App To Improve Mac Performance

Built into your Mac is a useful utility called Activity Monitor. Launch it from your Applications folder to scroll through tabs like CPU, Memory (RAM), Energy, etc. Activity Monitor shows all the active tasks consuming your Mac’s resources and allows to terminate those tasks right from the app as well.

But in most cases, CPU, RAM, and energy levels won’t give you a complete picture of what’s really happening with your computer. That’s where you need to use a top-tier utility like iStat Menus, which in addition to all the above shows air flow, network usage, frames per second, and much more. It also lives in your menu bar, making it easy to monitor your Mac continuously.

Optimize your Mac

So what do you do when you spot your Mac performing worse than it should? How do you improve the speed and make your Mac feel brand new?

The best way to increase your Mac’s performance is to regularly (e.g. once a month) use high-quality software devised for that purpose. CleanMyMac X here is a leading program that boasts millions of users worldwide, mostly due to its simple one-click improvements. Through various scans, from speed optimization to mail attachment removal, you can resolve problems exactly where they come up.

Anytime you use CleanMyMac X, it would take your computer 95% there in terms of its capabilities. To achieve the final 5%, there are a few more things you can optimize with some manual work.

For example, if you don’t find Notification Center useful at all, you can turn it off and save the power your Mac uses to keep it running in the background. Unfortunately, macOS doesn’t give you a way to turn it off in the settings, so you need to use Terminal:

  1. In Terminal, enter launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/com.apple.notificationcenterui.plist
  2. And then follow up with killall NotificationCenter
  3. Notification Center should now disappear and won’t relaunch with the next system restart

Likewise, you can disable the Dashboard utility if you don’t use it often:

  1. In Terminal, enter defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES
  2. Then restart the Dock with killall Dock

If you think through every process running on your system, you can probably come up with more functions that you don’t need. However, Dashboard and Notification Center are probably the most common once people want to see gone.

Finally, when you’re playing a game, check if you can lower the strain on your graphics card in its settings. Frequently you can change the resolution, level of details, and shadows to increase processing speed. To get a little extra game booster for Mac, try playing a game in an app window rather than full screen.

Choose the best Mac for gaming

If you had the most powerful computer available, no game would be a problem. And truth be told, PCs are easier in the sense that you get a box to fill up with everything you need and reshuffle the parts with ease. When it comes to Macs, parts are difficult to change, and most of the time you have to decide on what you need right away.

So how do you not make a mistake? What is the best Mac for gaming?

The two most important Mac components to games are processor and video card. While processing power is fairly straightforward — the more the better (with Macs you also have to note the Turbo Boost each model can provide) — video cards have always been somewhat tricky.

Video cards can be discrete or integrate. The former are faster but independent from the processor. The latter are part of the system and able to use available processing power. That’s generally what you want here.

How To Improve Computer Performance

There are currently three integrated video cards available on Macs: Intel HD Graphics 5000, Intel Iris Graphics, Intel Iris Pro Graphics. So any computers featuring these are more or less suitable for gaming. Just remember to opt in for the highest CPU you can afford. Generally, this means selecting from such models as:

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  • 15-inch MacBook Pro
  • 27-inch iMac (5K or regular)
  • 21.5-inch iMac (most powerful model)
  • Mac Pro

Laptops of 13 inches and smaller are significantly less powerful and thus not recommended for serious gaming on Mac. And if you choose to employ your 15-inch MacBook Pro, keep in mind that games for Mac are the greediest when it comes to energy consumption.

You can try all sorts of manual hacks to increase your battery life, from dimming your screen to quitting apps to turning off WiFi. But for a seamless way to make your battery last you up to 20% longer on every charge, use an automatic app like Endurance, which takes advantage of all ways to prolong your gaming on Mac and balances battery life and CPU at the same time.

Improve Mac Performance App Download

Following recommendations above will ensure that your computer is 100% prepared to face the best Mac games out there. Sure, you can perform a few tweaks manually, but nothing will compare to using specialized software to get your Mac to its top shape! Best of all, apps mentioned here are all available for a free trial through Setapp, a platform of over 150 best-in-class Mac utilities and tools designed to elevate your everyday experience. Now you’re ready to buy all those Mac games!

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