
Photo Bulk for Mac is a lightweight application that lets you easily add a watermark to an image. You just need to drag and drop your image into the app, choose the watermark type from the menu, modify the settings to your choices, and you are good to go. On my Mac mini, app icons have gone missing for some apps (Terminal, Chrome, Spotify, Skype) from the Dock and elsewhere. See a screenshot of the Dock. When I hover over the empty spots, I can see the names of the apps and launch them normally. And here's one of the app switcher (it was kind of challenging to take this with cmd-shift-3, btw).

Are there differences between the Direct and App Store versions of Acorn?
Yes, there are some small differences. Make sure to check out our larger FAQ for all the gory details.

New photos app for mac

Does Acorn open up layered Photoshop files?
Yes! Acorn will open up layered 32bit PSD to the best of its ability. The only app that’s going to be 100% compatible with .psd files is the latest version of Adobe’s Photoshop of course.

Does Acorn use a subscription?
Nope! We have a simple philosophy- you buy a thing, you get a thing.

I’m not running 10.11+, can I still use Acorn?
Here’s the lowdown: Acorn 6 requires 10.11+. Acorn 5 requires 10.10+. Acorn 4 requires 10.8+. Both Acorn 2 and 3 require 10.6+. Acorn 1.5.5 runs on 10.4+. If you wish to purchase Acorn 1, 3, 4, or 5 go ahead and buy Acorn 6. Acorn 5.6.5 will accept Acorn 6 registration numbers. But if you need an Acorn 4, 3, 1 registration, email and let us know your registration name and number and we will make you a new one that works with an older version of Acorn.

How do I grab and older version of Acorn?
You can grab previous releases on our FAQ.

Want to know more?
Make sure to check out our extensive documentation and FAQ, and we’re of course always ready to answer questions at

Image Size and Resolution

The coordinate system iOS uses to place content onscreen is based on measurements in points, which map to pixels in the display. A standard-resolution display has a 1:1 pixel density (or @1x), where one pixel is equal to one point. High-resolution displays have a higher pixel density, offering a scale factor of 2.0 or 3.0 (referred to as @2x and @3x). As a result, high-resolution displays demand images with more pixels.

For example, suppose you have a standard resolution (@1x) image that's 100px × 100px. The @2x version of this image would be 200px × 200px, and the @3x version would be 300px × 300px.

Supply high-resolution images for all artwork in your app, for all devices your app supports. Depending on the device, you accomplish this by multiplying the number of pixels in each image by a specific scale factor.

DeviceScale Factor
12.9' iPad Pro@2x
11' iPad Pro@2x
10.5' iPad Pro@2x
9.7' iPad@2x
7.9' iPad mini 4@2x
iPhone XS Max@3x
iPhone XS@3x
iPhone XR@2x
iPhone X@3x
iPhone 8 Plus@3x
iPhone 8@2x
iPhone 7 Plus@3x
iPhone 7@2x
iPhone 6s Plus@3x
iPhone 6s@2x
iPhone SE@2x

Designing High-Resolution Artwork

Mac Photos App Icon Desktop


Mac Photos App Icon Png

Use an 8px-by-8px grid. A grid keeps lines sharp and ensures that content is as crisp as possible at all sizes, requiring less retouching and sharpening. Snap the image boundaries to the grid to minimize half pixels and blurry details that can occur when scaling down.

Produce artwork in the appropriate format. In general, use de-interlaced PNG files for bitmap/raster artwork. PNG supports transparency and, because it's lossless, compression artifacts don't blur important details or alter colors. It's a good choice for intricate artwork that requires effects like shading, textures, and highlights. Use JPEG for photos. Its compression algorithm usually produces smaller sizes than lossless formats and artifacts are harder to discern in photos. Photo-realistic app icons, however, look best as PNGs. Use PDF for glyphs and other flat, vector artwork that requires high-resolution scaling.

Use the 8-bit color palette for PNG graphics that don’t require full 24-bit color. Using an 8-bit color palette reduces file size without reducing image quality. This palette is not appropriate for photos.

Optimize JPEG files to find a balance between size and quality. Most JPEG files can be compressed without noticeable degradation of the resulting image. Even a small amount of compression can save significant disk space. Experiment with compression settings on each image to find the optimal value that yields an acceptable result.

Provide alternative text labels for images and icons. Alternative text labels aren’t visible onscreen, but they let VoiceOver audibly describe what's onscreen, making navigation easier for people with visual impairments.