• Mac OS X Leopard can be run on a 2020 iPad Pro without the need for a jailbreak. The video, posted to YouTube, comes courtesy of Hacking Jules and shows Mac OS X 10.5 Leopard running as a virtual machine on the latest and greatest 11-inch iPad Pro. There are no jailbreaks used, with a virtual machine management app called UTM handling everything.
  • This is a useful feature since it allows users to take advantage of the massive library of iOS and iPad apps on M1-based Macs. It’s already possible to run Android apps on Chromebooks, and it’s a killer feature on that platform. I expect running iOS and iPad apps on M1 Mac computers to be just as good or better.
  1. Use Ipad App On Mac
  2. Mac Running Ipad Apps App

Catalyst allows iPad developers to easily port their iOS apps to the Mac, ultimately enabling universal purchases between the two platforms. While Catalyst has already been used to bring third-party iPad apps, like Twitter, to the Mac, it’s not the same as natively running an iPhone or iPad app on an ARM Mac.

Tuesday, 2 November 2010

Dave Winer speculates:

The software we will buy from the Mac version of the App Storewill be the actual software that runs on the iPad and iPhone.


In other words, they’re teaching the developers, privately, how towrite iPad software for an iPad with a keyboard. In other words,the MacBook Air.

Rene Ritchie even wonders if that’s what’s going on this week at the private iOS developer meeting in Cupertino. (It’s not — that event is a Game Center summit.)

There’s no doubt that iOS is where the developer mojo is. Not just Apple’s developer mojo, but the industry’s. It’s the hottest platform in the world, period. And I do think Apple sees the upcoming Mac App Store as an opportunity for iOS developers who’ve never written apps for the Mac to start. But I don’t think iPad apps are ever going to run on the Mac as-is, without any change or adaptation to account for the very different input methods. This isn’t about ARM vs. x86 code generation, or development frameworks. It’s about the fact that direct manipulation on a touchscreen is fundamentally different than moving a mouse cursor via a touchpad. (Secondarily: iPad apps can and do assume that they will run full-screen on a 9.7-inch 1024 × 768 display. What happens in Winer’s scenario when you launch an iPad app on a 27-inch iMac?)

I can prove it, practically, that iPad apps aren’t going to run on the Mac as a standard feature. iOS apps do run on Mac OS X, today, in the iPhone/iPad emulator that ships with the iOS developer kit. Ends up they’re just not that pleasant to use on a Mac. Gestures that are natural and fun with direct touch are awkward and clumsy using a mouse or touchpad. I never hear iPad developers — who run their own iOS apps on their Macs during development, for testing and debugging purposes — wish that they could ship them as-is to Mac users. Ever try a game like Pac-Man on the iPhone? A game that’s designed from the ground up around a hardware joystick or D-pad just isn’t very good on a device without a joystick. Everything about iOS apps is like that when you run them on a Mac. (And, conversely, popular iOS games like Angry Birds tend to feature controls that only really make sense with a touchscreen.)

That said, prior to the iPad’s official announcement, I was on the record predicting that the iPad (or, as I called it then, The Tablet) would only run iPad-specific apps — apps written with the same APIs and frameworks as iPhone apps, but optimized for the tablet-sized display. I was wrong about that — the iPad supports running iPhone-sized apps. But everyone with an iPad knows that non-iPad-optimized iPhone apps stink on the iPad. Personally, I don’t use any of them. I still think the reason Apple allowed iPhone apps to run on the iPad is simply to make sure there were thousands of apps available on day one, whether they were ideal or not. The Mac doesn’t suffer that problem. (I wouldn’t be surprised if the iPad eventually drops support for non-iPad optimized apps.)

In short, I think Winer’s basic notion is correct, insofar as that Apple plans to make Mac OS X more iPad-like, and that they might be working on ways to make Mac development more like iOS development. But he’s wrong on exactly how this could happen. It can’t and won’t be as easy as somehow just letting iPad apps run on the Mac.

I think it would be something more like how native iPad apps are related to, but different than, iPhone apps. In Cocoa, Mac apps are based on the AppKit framework — and AppKit dates back to the original NeXT frameworks from the late 1980s. With the iPhone, Apple replaced AppKit with UIKit. I’m far (very far) from being a Cocoa expert, but I know enough to say that UIKit is different from AppKit in more ways than just issues related to mouse cursors vs. touchscreens. UIKit is in some ways a clean slate do-over — an “if we could do it all over again, we’d do a few things differently” successor to AppKit. Can I imagine iPad apps, exactly as we know them today, running on Mac OS X? No. Can I imagine a future variant of UIKit for the Mac, which results in native Mac apps that are inherently more iOS-like? Yes.1 That’s all conjecture about the future, though. The Mac App Store that’s scheduled to ship about two months from now is going to debut filled with nothing but good old-fashioned AppKit Mac apps.

The whole point of Apple’s success with iOS has been the opposite of “write once, run anywhere”. It’s more like “write a version that is specifically optimized for this particular device”.

  1. Same goes for hypothetical future UIKit apps for the Apple TV. ↩︎

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Running iPad Apps On The Mac

Use Ipad App On Mac

Dave Winer:

Why didn’t I see this? One of my first wishes when I got my iPad was that this software would run on a Mac. I forgot that, and Uncle Steve said it the other way. The store is coming to the Mac. The store is coming to the Mac. That’s the sleight of hand. What he really meant to say is that IOS software is coming to the Mac. Or maybe it’s the IOS hardware I’m writing this on is running Mac software, kind of the way Carbon ran old lifeless legacy Mac apps. Which one is the “real” OS and which one is running in a compatibility box? I have a funny feeling that right now, as I type this on an AirBook, I’m using the compatibility box. Right?

The iPad can run apps from another iOS device, the iPhone. Will the Mac be able to run apps coming from iOS, even if the Mac is a machine running OS X? We don’t know. The thing is, if iOS is actually OS X coming back to the Mac after 3 years of mobile adventures (and if Lion is “OS X meets iPad”), then Winer’s option could make sense. Developers could adapt iPad apps to bigger screens with relative ease, though I don’t know how you’d be supposed to run apps requiring tilt controls on a desktop computer.

Mac Running Ipad Apps App

In the end, it’d be a cool feature – as long as you don’t pay attention to the trade-off. Mobile apps don’t make any sense on the desktop, not as we think. Perhaps Apple will prove us wrong. The way I see it, Jobs simply wants to reinvent the way Mac software is discovered and distributed; a Mac App Store doesn’t necessarily mean the App Store is coming to the Mac.