Glorious day for me and my precious iPhone. The thing is : although i just love my iPhone , some things need to be fixed in it. Not major things , but still there are some things that everybody wished they act different.

Mysms Mac App Store Settings

For example in the SMS app. SMS is a thing that is in a frequent use on every cell phone. And everybody knows what lacks this app. But today , while browsing Cydia, i found this amazing app that makes SMS app the way that it should have been since day 1. You’re reading this Apple? …. SINCE DAY ONE

It’s called MySMS and IT IS HIGHLY RECOMMENDED BY FUNKY SPACE MONKEY . Ok, what this app can do?

You can sort your SMS in 4 different ways:

Mysms Mac App Store
  • SMS received/sent list: instead of showing SMS conversations per contact, you can see a full list of your received/sent text messages
  • SMS received: shows you all incoming text messages
  • SMS sent: shows you all outgoing text messages
  • Conversation: like the native SMS app, it shows your SMS in a conversation style

When i first lunched MySMS app, i was promted with a message that this is a unregistred version and messages will have a delay of 30 seconds 2. You cant turn on ” store decrypted messages”. Mysms Messenger is a completely free messaging service that supports texting on your smartphone, computer and tablet. Mysms works cross-platform and is always free of charge. Stay connected with your friends and family no matter where they are. Why you should use mysms: TOTALLY FREE: Send messages for free – to all your buddies. MySMS Alternatives for iPhone. MySMS is not available for iPhone but there are plenty of alternatives with similar functionality. The most popular iPhone alternative is WhatsApp, which is free. If that doesn't suit you, our users have ranked 34 alternatives to mySMS and 18 are available for iPhone so hopefully you can find a suitable replacement.

HEY…. dont stop here, i am not finished. Yes i know this features alone, makes you trade your default iPhone SMS app for MySMS but guess what? THERE IS MORE…

First of all YOU CAN TYPE TEXT MESSAGES IN LANDSCAPEEEEEEEE :D:D:D:D:D. Finally i found a way to type text messages in landscape mode. I got pretty used to the normal mode, typeing relatively fast…. but landscape mode? cmon that is badass…. admit it.

You can turn off auto-correction. Dont wait for the 2.2 version ( which by the way it seems that will be available on the 21st of this month ) , get MySMS . Or use BossPrefference

What happens if someone is asking you to send him/her a text message with one of your contact details? Not that good huh? Well MySMS fixed that as well. Simply create a new SMS, tap “contacts” and select what contact you would like to send by SMS and it will automatically add it to your text message. So far, this feature only allows you to send phone numbers but I assume it will also let you text email addresses in future updates.

Mysms Apple


Mysms Mac App Store App

As i mentioned MySMS is available through Cydia , but IT IS NOT FREE . There are 2 registration levels: $5 or $25. HOWEVER , this is not a problem. There are only 2 problems with the unregistred version ( problems if u consider them problems ) :

Mysms Mac App Store Apps

1. when i first lunched MySMS app , i was promted with a message that this is a unregistred version and messages will have a delay of 30 seconds

Mysms Mac App Store App Store

2. you cant turn on ” store decrypted messages”

Mysms Mac

[tags] conversation style,landscape mode ,space monkey, funky space,incoming text,iphone, mysms, glorious day,text messages ,text message ,different ways,conversations,contact details,cell phone,sms,apple,phone numbers,appstore, app store [/tags]