1. Completely remove notification center on Mac OS X Mountain Lion and future OS's. Go to activity monitor and force quit notificationcenter.app Go back to the finder and delete notificationcenter.app.
  2. Notification Center is a great addition to Mac OS X but not everyone likes it, sometimes just muting the alert sounds and turning banners and alert pop-ups off per-app is just not enough, and you may want to disable the entire notification system completely. Furthermore, if you don’t use Notifications on the Mac then you probably don’t want.
  3. It allows you to receive notification from various apps. Some people will find it useful while many others will find it useless. If you belong to the latter, here is an easy way to remove the notification center and reclaim back the small icon space in the system tray occupied by the Notification center icon. Open a terminal and type.

With each successive release, the Chrome Notification Center improves. In fact, I dare not imagine how my productivity might suffer without it!

Each running app has a default notification center, and you can create new notification centers to organize communications in particular contexts. A notification center can deliver notifications only within a single program; if you want to post a notification to other processes or receive notifications from other processes, use Distributed. Remember theappid` value shown. Delete the app info record and thereby any related data in other tables with delete from appinfo where appid = app id. Save the changes to the database if necessary. Restart your Mac and log back in. You should be fine now. I first was confused by my app still being listed in settings/notifications. Notification Center doesn’t interfere with open applications. It simply moves the entire Desktop to the left so that you can see your notifications. You can close Notification Center at any time by clicking anywhere on the Desktop to the left, clicking the Notifications icon on the Finder menu bar again, or swiping in the opposite direction.

From Gmail alerts to Google Now cards, the Chrome notifications helps me to stay on top of things.

And yet, on the flip side, I am not everyone.

Many Chrome users find theextra notification features an annoyance, and inserting unwanted clutter in an otherwise ordered system tray.

But Should You Turn It Off?

Designed to be a one-stop drop-down shade for housing app alerts, e-mail notifications and (for now) cards from Google Now, the Chrome Notification Centre is a useful tool if you’re heavily invested in the Google ecosystem or reliant on alerts from certain apps and websites you have installed.

But if you aren’t you may be asking how to disable Chrome notifications entirely

The short answer is you can’t, at least not outright. You can, however turn off notifications toasts (the rectangular alerts that appear on screen) for most sites and apps and ‘hide’ the bell icon (the notification center that store these toasts) from view.

How to Disable Chrome Notifications

Before we hide the notification center itself we need to use it to turn off notifications for Chrome apps, websites and services.

Be sure that you want to do this before continuing.

To turn off Chrome notifications:

  1. Open the notification center by clicking the bell icon
  2. Click the ‘cog wheel’ (Settings) icon
  3. Uncheck/deselect apps/websites as required

For many of you this step along may be the perfect solution. You can pick and choose which notifications you get.

You may still receive some Chrome notifications going forward, i.e. after installing a new app, but it should help you filter the noise.

Delete app from notification center mac computer

How To Hide Chrome Notification Icon

Having disabled notification toasts you may also want to hide the notification center icon used to stores them.

On Mac OS X this takes no more than a couple of clicks:

  1. Click the ‘Chrome’ menu in the Menu Bar
  2. Select the ‘Hide Notifications Icon’ entry

For Windows7 and 8 users, hiding the bell icon from system tray is a little less obvious:

  1. Click the overflow arrow in the lower-right System Tray
  2. Click on the ‘Customise’ link
  3. Find and change the Google Chrome icon behavior to “Hide icon and notifications”

Alternatively, if you want to see notification toasts as they arrive but don’t want the notification center they get stored in, select the “Show Notifications but Hide Icon” behavior.

How to Re-Enable Chrome Notifications

Delete App From Notification Center Macbook Pro

To re-enable notification center and app/websites alerts you need to repeat the steps above in reverse order. First set the bell icon to show, then use the settings menu inside to toggle on notifications you previously de-selected.