You can delete the currenlty installed apps. Hold down an app until all the apps jiggle. Then on each app tap the x then tap Delete. Press the Home button once to to stop the apps from jiggling. How to Delete Apps in the Finder on Mac Manually (the Hard Way) Unlike Windows computers, Mac. You can also access the Delete Immediately option and skip the Trash by using the File menu in the Mac file system: Select the file (s) or folder (s) you wish to instantly and permanently delete then hold the OPTION key as you access the “File” menu from the Finder Choose “Delete Immediately” from the File menu.

Removing apps on Mac is easy, just like Windows, where each program has its uninstaller. Uninstalling Apps on Mac is so simple, you need to drop the folder to the trash. But there are few software which is hard to remove. All of them have different reasons to remove apps from their PC. Some want to clean their PC, or the app is not useful. So, it depends on the user why they want to Uninstall Apps on Mac. If you are one of them who wish to Uninstall Apps on Mac, but you are not aware of that then you have come at the right place.

Here in this article, we will show you a few different ways by which you can uninstall apps on your Mac. As Apple Mac is different from Windows, so everyone is not aware of how to delete apps on Mac. Go through the full article and check out a few different ways and Uninstall apps on your Mac.


  • 1 How To Uninstall Apps On Mac?
How To Permanent Delete Apps On Mac

How To Uninstall Apps On Mac?

Check out different ways to uninstall apps on Mac. Given below are some different methods which will help you to delete apps on Mac.

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Method 1: Uninstall Apps using Launchpad

If you don’t know let me tell you that you can delete any app on Mac by using Launchpad. Launchpad shows all the apps which are there on your iOS. Follow the given steps and uninstall the app using launchpad.

  • First of all open Launchpad by clicking on F4
  • Click on the app which you want to remove
  • Now, press the ALT key and click on Delete
  • Confirm to delete the app

Using Launchpad to delete the apps is the easiest way to remove an app which was installed through the App Store.

NOTE: This method works only on the apps which are installed through the Mac App Store. It won’t work for those apps which are installed through third-party developers.

Method 2: Uninstall Apps Using Finder

This one is the easiest method to uninstall any app from Mac. You just need to select and delete the app from Finder. Follow the steps and remove any app from your Mac.

  • First, open Finder which is placed at the Dock
  • Now, in Finder click on Applications
  • Search for the app which you want to delete
  • Right-click and select “MOVE TO TRASH” option OR drag the app icon to Trash
  • On the Trash can do right-click and tap on empty trash.

Once you uninstall the app, remember that it will be deleted permanently from your Mac. So, if you have mistakenly deleted any app and you want it back then go to the Trash can before emptying the Trash. Go to the trash can and choose the app which you want back and click on Put Back.

There are few apps which include a separate uninstaller to remove all traces of the app. Get mac to install unauthorized app. These apps are from Adobe or Microsoft, as some of the apps will install more apps or place library files.

Method 3: Go To Applications

This method is also very easy.

  • Open the Mac and go to Go Menu
  • Tap on Applications
  • You will see all the apps, some of them are in a folder, and some are not
  • The apps which are in the folder, open the folder
  • There you will see an uninstaller option
  • double click on it and follow the given instructions

Method 4:

If you have downloaded an app from somewhere else and not from the Mac App Store, then follow the given steps and uninstall the app. Let us take an example of Audacity. Audacity is downloaded from another website. So You need to go to the developer’s website of Audacity

  • Go to the official website of Panic
  • Scroll down and go to the Support section
  • Click on the get help section
  • Search for uninstaller
  • There you will see step by step instructions to uninstall an app
  • Follow the steps and uninstall the app.

NOTE: Make sure you download any app from the official website only. Do Not download an app from the download site or any other site. And when you delete the app at that time also use genuine methods only, you don’t need any other app to delete the app from Mac.

Method 5: Delete the program completely

Even after deleting the app, few files are left on the computer. So, you need to uninstall the program completely.

  • First, go to GO Menu from the top side of the screen
  • There click on Library
  • Go to app support
  • There are different folders for all apps
  • In the list check if there is a folder of the app which you are uninstalling
  • Delete that folder

Important tips For Uninstalling Programs on Mac

Check out a few tips before uninstalling any program on Mac.

  • Before you install any program, first see how to uninstall it. Make sure it has its own Uninstall utility
  • Before deleting apps, check your Trash is empty, and it does not have anything which you want to save it
  • If the app is a third-party app, then first check out its features. Few of them are chargeable, but you don’t need to use the paid software.

Final Thoughts

These are few genuine methods by which you can uninstall apps on your Mac. You can try out any of the methods to delete an app from Mac. Make sure you don’t use any fake app to remove the apps as it can harm your PC. If you want to download any app which is not available on the Apple store, then make sure you download it from the developer’s website, which is not fake.

We hope you liked this article and it was helpful for you. Stay tuned to us for more updates. If you have any questions, then let us know by commenting in the comment section below.

One of the most basic computer functions — deleting files and folders — is also one of the most essential. If you never get rid of anything, soon enough all those extra gigabytes will take a toll on your Mac’s processing power, RAM, and hard drive, not to mention your digital life will resemble a dreadful episode of Hoarders.

So deleting files is good and healthy. But how do you do that? Most people right-click on what they need gone and choose Move to Trash from the menu or use the File option in the menu bar. Others employ the ⌘ + Delete shortcut, which works across the system (even within dialog windows). Experts, however, often find themselves defaulting to the command line delete directory feature. Let’s see how and why you should learn it too.

How to remove directory with Terminal

Since macOS is a Unix-based system, nearly all system tasks you do every day with the help of its graphic interface can also be performed via the command line tool called Terminal.

Why delete file command line feature is important

With regards to delete file or delete folder command line functionality, Terminal lets you:

  • Effortlessly erase one or multiple files, folders, and apps, bypassing any error messages you can get when you go the traditional route.
  • Remove files from Trash, including ones you can’t delete by simply emptying the trash.
  • Get rid of files that are invisible to you within Finder (usually system or root files, for example, .htaccess).
  • Delete files and folders in cases when Finder is unresponsive.

Note: The Mac command line delete file feature is final and irreversible. While it lets you avoid any error messages, it also removes the files completely, without any possibility of retrieving them later on.

Tip: Delete unneeded system files on Mac

Some files are hard to delete in a normal way because they sit deeply in system folders. These are such files as logs, broken downloads, caches, remains of old apps, etc. Still, deleting them could give your Mac an extra boost — that's because they are outdated and clutter your macOS.

To dig these files out, try a free version of CleanMyMac X. Among other things, this app has an impressive System Junk detector. When you download CleanMyMac X (this free version is notarized by Apple), you need to click on System Junk.
Just take a loot at the sheer amount of files it unearthed. To delete them, click on Clean.

Can't Delete App On Mac

How to use delete file command line feature

Removing files from your Mac forever using Terminal is deceptively simple: just use the rm command followed by the name of the file. Here’s how it works in practice:

  1. Launch Terminal from your Utilities folder in Applications.
  2. Check which directory you’re in by typing ls -la
  3. Then navigate down a directory with cd [directoryname] or up a directory with cd ./
  4. When you’re in the same directory as the file you want to delete, type rm [filename.extension]
  5. If you want to delete multiple files at once, list them all, but make sure there’s a space between each one.
  6. Press Enter to execute the command.

Now all the files you specified after rm are gone for good. Navigate directories in your Mac and repeat the process as many times as you want.

Surprised there was no confirmation before your files were deleted? Luckily there’s a way to add one as a safeguard for not deleting the wrong file by accident. Just use -i after the rm but before the first filename, like this: rm -i [filename.extension]. Terminal will then ask you whether you’re sure you want to delete the file. Reply y or yes followed by Enter and the file will be gone. This also works for multiple files, but you’ll have to confirm the removal of each one separately.

How to make command line delete directory

Surprisingly, you can’t delete a folder using the rm command because it has its own: rmdir.

Otherwise, rmdir works exactly the same as rm:

  1. Navigate to the appropriate directory using Terminal.
  2. Type rmdir [directoryname]
  3. Hit Enter.

Sadly, you can’t use the -i hack when you’re deleting folders, so be extra careful!

Another thing to keep in mind is that rmdir only deletes the directory, but can’t delete any files or folders located within that directory.

To delete a folder with everything in it, you need to use rm -r followed by the folder’s name. Using -i to create a warning here is possible and done like this: rm -ir [foldername].

When it’s too difficult to find a folder or file via Terminal, but you can detect them in Finder, simply drag and drop the file onto the Terminal window to generate its path.

Delete large and old folders using CleanMyMac X

As it happens with folders, they are easy to mess up and lose track of. That's why many apps provide an alternative interface for searching and deleting files which is more flexible than the Finder. For example, using CleanMyMac X (the app we've mentioned above) you can find massive folders that might have been evading you. You also can filter them by file type and other criteria.
The latest released version of this tool looks like this:

This app by developer MacPaw is available for a free download here. Using this app, files are removed for good, and as far as we know, it's irreversible.

Other ways to delete files and folders on Mac

How To Delete Files On A Mac

The shortcut combination

We are sure you know how to drag to your files to the Trash. But here is an alternative way which deletes files at once, bypassing the Trash. There’s one less step involved (you don’t have to empty the bin). And you cannot reverse this action.
Select a file, and press [Option + + Delete]
How to uninstall apps on macos mojave.

Delete hidden folders on Mac

Some folders on your Mac are made invisible to protect them from accidental deletion. They are system and support files you would ignore most of the time. But what if a folder seems empty but still takes up space? You can apply another shortcut combination to highlight these unseen objects. Then, you can delete them at your own risk.
To highlight hidden folders: [Press Shift + + . dot key]
This best works if you open some system folder, like Library

To completely remove apps from Mac manually, you need to find all of the associated files that come along with the apps. So this means not just dragging the app icon to the Trash bin, but to search and find the depths of the system app files on your Mac and get them all out of your disk. Uninstall apps on Mac with App Cleaner & Uninstaller. The first way of uninstalling apps is to use a. How to delete app from macbook completely.

Again, delete these folders only if you are sure what they are. How to delete default apps on mac.

How To Terminate Apps On Mac

That was how to remove files and folders on your Mac, shown in multiple ways. Want to know more? Explore our blog for a whole universe of Mac tips!