[UPDATE: People seem to be loving this post, so I created a FREE 7-day Gmail course to help you learn and leverage Gmail’s most underrated features and power through your inbox like a boss! Sign up today and get the first lesson sent to your inbox immediately. It’s completely free.]

  1. Is There A Gmail App For Mac Issues
  2. Is There A Google Gmail App For Mac

That's why I use Fluid to create a true, standalone Gmail app on my Mac. Here’s how you can do the same. Though there is a $5 upgrade option, which we’ll get to later. Download App for Gmail for Mac to view all your email with the click of a button.

If you know me you know I love Gmail.


But managing my email in a tab in my browser gives me anxiety.

Everyone should manage their email in a desktop app, separate from whatever is going on in the random 10+ tabs you have open in your browser.

However, to date most of the Gmail desktop apps have tried to reinvent the Gmail experience and interface.

And then I met the guys and gals behind the soon to be launched desktop app – Gmail for Mac.

I’ve been using the beta version of the app for a few weeks now and it’s awesome. Finally, a Gmail Mac app that’s fast, reliable and a mirror image of Gmail on the web (plus a few new and amazing built-in features.)

Is There A Gmail App For Mac Issues

Those of you who have tried to use a desktop app but have found yourself back to using Gmail in your browser, you’ll appreciate the brilliant yet simplistic thinking that went into the creation of this app.

Is There A Google Gmail App For Mac

Instead of telling you anymore about it, let me show you via the screencast demo above and go get yourself this app and my FREE 7-day Gmail course today!