Yes, you read that right — it’s time to fall in love with some new Mac Apps! We don’t suggest you fall for just any Mac Apps, though. Just because it’s Valentine’s Day, no need to become a floozy about your app choices. We’ve compiled the best Mac Productivity tools. Finding the best Mac App Bundles has always been a challenge. With more than 7 years of experience, we are able to find the best deals for you – regarding software, apps, bundles, assets and so on. We make sure to find offers which lets you buy the apps cheaper or get the software even for free. Here is what underlines our experience. When I started to compile our annual list of the best Mac apps this year, I polled the growing AE team and members of the Dojo to see what the favorites are. Here’s our list of the top 10 productivity apps of 2018, and some more tools that didn’t quite make the top 10, but are still great. 50 Essential iOS Apps. If you are looking for the perfect app to boost productivity, make life more convenient or just give you a jolt of fun, you’re sure to find something that fills the bill.

If you still can’t find your best productivity app for Mac
or just hunger for something more.

What is productivity?

Productivity is “the state or quality of being productive”, as most dictionaries say. It is a measure of performance, a ratio of output to inputs, and all other smart things.

The point is: this is something we humans always strive to enhance.
Wherever we are, whatever we do – high productivity is one of the keys to success. Simply put, you do more with less time and resources. And that’s cool.

Who wouldn’t want to be like that?
As many of us spend a good part of the day at our Macs, it makes sense to think about productivity when you’re working on your computer. And here comes Mac productivity software.

Productivity + Mac Utilities

There are plenty of Mac productivity apps to assist you with different daily things: note taking, copy paste, task, time and file management, web browsing and so on. Many of them are good, some are great in their field.

So how exactly they make us more productive?
In short, by simplifying our lives (at least on Macs). After all, that is something we all want, having already enough difficulties in everyday life.

But that’s not all you need to be efficient. There are also things you have to stop doing and things to get rid of.

Basic Productivity Tips

Now let’s see what exactly hinders our smooth workflow.

Whether on your work-table or on your Mac Desktop – mess only serves as an obstacle on the path to high productivity.

All the clutter in the area of your workplace is to be eliminated so you could perform better. Things you need must be kept in order, well-organized.

Nothing ruins your productivity more than constant distractions.

Notifications, messages and calls, open social media pages and other external stimuli cause the temptation to interrupt your work. Once distracted, you may totally lose your focus.

Get used to doing the job first, then having a break – not all at the same time. It’s also useful to limit your availability during the active working hours.

Having too many plans for a day, you may end up with nothing much achieved. You need to be realistic about your capabilities and work smart, not necessarily hard.

Set priorities, see your clear objectives, reach them. Succeed.


So, the main idea of improving your productivity on Mac is to minimize all mess, distractions, tension, waiting – not to waste time on unnecessary stuff and stay in focus.

It is not something new to discover. We’ve all been through this.
But, as Mac app developers, we just needed to do something about it.

So, we took some of the most annoying productivity issues when working on a Mac and created an app to solve them. We call it “Unclutter” – and the app quite matches its name.

Declutter Your Workflow

Unclutter is a versatile 3-in-1 productivity app which we are proud to introduce to you.

  • It was developed with the aim of boosting the productivity of Mac users.
  • Its nice and simple interface requires no learning curve. You just start using it and, after a few days, you don’t want to live without it. 😀
  • It is here to clean up the mess on your Desktop and Mac in general. With Unclutter everything will be kept nicely and organized.
  • Our app works effectively and fast like a ninja staying invisible most of the time but still always there in case it becomes of use.
  • It shows up immediately, quickly helps you with your current task, and gets out of your way so you could continue working on your stuff.

3 Mac Essentials

For the vast majority of Mac users, some of the most frequently used operations are copy and paste, file transfer and note taking. Here in Unclutter, we have decided to concentrate on these three and provide nice and efficient solutions to them.

So, our app consists of three sections, each of which is responsible for one of these important tasks. And each does its job to help you become more productive on your Mac.

Well, it’s just about time to take a look at these sections.


Unclutter Clipboard is a handy clipboard manager for your recent copy and paste on Mac. It keeps track of your copy history, stores your favorite clips, simply makes sure nothing important you copied gets lost.

Our pocket clipboard will make you feel your performance lift when dealing with cut, copy and paste operations. You will notice the difference as you gain new abilities and use them.

Unclutter Clipboard panel gives you the full access to the history of copied data. There you can browse, choose and edit your clips from the list.

View any clip in full. Get back to the one you copied and forgot to paste.
Some other awesome features include Clipboard Favorites, Sensitive Data, clip recall and others.


As for dealing with all kinds of files, Unclutter has its second panel called Unclutter Files. It’s a plain Mac file manager and drop zone at the same time.

The panel works pretty much like a usual Finder folder with easy and fast access. Move, copy or make an alias for anything you want to store in this special place.

Thanks to Unclutter Files, you can easily clean your Mac Desktop and stop cluttering it with docs, pics, folders, etc.

It is a convenient solution to put temp files in and clean the contents later (without creating temporary folders). Or have your most used files right at your fingertips.

Really quick and handy – just drag and drop.

Mac Productivity Apps 2018


How without a good notes app for Mac? Nowadays, a handy notepad is a must-have and most of us can’t imagine our lives without it.

Unclutter has that too.

Being incredibly simple, lightning fast and nice to deal with, Unclutter Notes makes your note-taking intuitive and effortless.

Mac productivity apps

Our notebook will save you extra time and eliminate extra thinking so you could concentrate on your main priorities while taking quick notes on the fly.

I mean, when you need to drop a few simple lines of text – like for a “not to forget” – Unclutter Notes is a go-to place, essential to keep you focused and productive.

To sum up

As you see, being productive is not as complicated as it may appear. At least, on this basic level.

First of all, try to cope with the mess, distractions, overload and other things you don’t need during your working process. Then it will be easier to see how your job can be optimized, get done in a more efficient and smarter way, consuming less time and resources.

And finally, get yourself Unclutter. It is designed for productivity increase and may easily become one of your essential Mac apps. Like it has already become so for many people.

Unclutter will improve your workflow reducing the overload of actions you do on the Mac. Eliminating unnecessary distractions and time wasting. In the end, you will feel more powerful and capable on your Mac.

And welcome to the high productivity club! 😉

Best Productivity Apps For Mac

Want a test-drive?
Download Unclutter 7-day trial version. It is free:


We all want to be productive, you know, get more work done, control time better, earn more with your time, and all that good stuff.

Since we spend most of our time on computers getting the work done, it is only fair that we stuff these devices with productivity apps that will help with our goals.

Are you a Mac user?

Wondering which productivity apps to install? Let us look at some of the best ones to help scale up your productivity.

A time tracker-Timely

Tracking your time is one of the best ways to get more work done. It’s simple; you cannot be productive if you are spending more hours on tasks that don’t build up to your day’s objectives.

Now, tracking your time allows you to identify activities that consume your time and those that waste it. As a Mac user, you can take advantage of Timely; a time tracking app that tracks everything on your Mac.

The app can show how much time you spend on different apps, quantify it, and identify processes that are eating into your day.

Cleaner app

This is probably the most important step in achieving productivity.

Look at it this way; it is impossible to be productive if your computer is slow, right? Imagine having to wait for your browser to load for more than 3 minutes?

Cleaning your laptop for efficiency is one of the best speed up tips that will aid with productivity.

Find a good cleaning software that can clean all junk or unwanted files that might slow down your computer. A good cleaner app will not only clean but it will also boost and protect your Mac.

The app can disable heavy consuming apps, turn off all login items overloading your CPU, and stop common macOS viruses derailing your device. Using the app will regularly will help your computer perform faster and allows you to stay productive.

Email consolidation app-Airmail

Sometimes it is impossible to track all your mails, especially if dealing with different people or things. Sadly, you might miss those emails that require urgent attention.

Luckily, as a Mac user, you can download the Airmail app and make your life easier.

The app allows you to consolidate all your accounts in a user-friendly manner and manage them from one place.

This means you can easily switch between emails and even turn those important ones into tasks.

Cool, right?

Agenda Builder-Things

According to Forbes research, having an agenda or jotting down daily priorities is a great morning habit for a productive workday.

It is important to have a plan for the day, i.e., what you wish to accomplish, how you will accomplish it, and by what time.

Well, jotting down key priorities reinforces a sense of focus for the day. On your Mac device, you can download Things to help with this. It is an app that dives deeper into your to-do by creating tags, timeframes, and deadlines.

What’s more, is that you can integrate the app to your calendar and Google account to see other tasks that need attention.

Wrap up

Having apps that can handle your to-do list, monitor your email, and track your time is the holy grail in the productivity world.

Luckily as a Mac user, these apps are just a download away. While at the apple store, you can also download Mind Node to organize your thoughts and Dewo-to handle your deep work.

Mac Apps For Productivity

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