There are two main ways to install PostgreSQL on mac OS X.

  1. Downloading the app file from

Using Homebrew

Homebrew can be installed by running the following command in a terminal:

Installing applications on macOS and OS X computers is easy to do when deploying the apps as packages through the Terminal using the Installer command for quiet deployments across your network. Mac App Store: The Mac will only run apps downloaded from the Mac App Store. Mac App Store and identified developers: When you try to open a new app and it’s not on the list of identified.

Even without becoming an expert in Apple's Terminal app, you can use simple commands to achieve things your Mac won't let you do in any other way. If you're just getting used to Terminal.

/usr/bin/ruby -e '$(curl -fsSL'

If Homebrew is already installed, make sure that it is up to date by running:

brew update

Mac Run App From Terminal Parking

Then ensure there are no conflicts or errors using:

brew doctor

Homebrew is a powerful package manager with many uses, including installing and running postgreSQL. This can be done by typing the following command into a terminal:

Now that postgres is installed the default server can be started by running the command:

This will start up a postgres server hosted locally on port 5432. The server will be run out of the directory /usr/local/var/postgres.

It can now be accessed by typing the following command:

This will connect to the server and access the postgres database. Once this is done:

  • Schemas and tables can be created
  • Data can be loaded and deleted from the database
  • Queries can be run

The process should look like this:

This shows that the server has been started and can be connected to.

(Optional) Creating a Custom Data Directory

A custom data directory can also be used for a server. To do this, first create a directory to be used as the server location. For example, create a directory called myData in the home directory:

Once the directory is created, the server can be initialized. This means that we configure the directory and add the necessary files to run the server. To do this run the initdb command as shown:

This will fill the myData directory with files necessary to run the server:

Now that the server is initialized and the log file is created, you can start the server from this directory. To do this use the command and substitute in for the specified values:

The “Data Directory” refers to the directory that was just initialized (in this case myData). The “Log file” is a file that will record server events for later analysis. Generally log files are formatted to contain the date in the file name (e.g. “2018-05-27.log” or “myData-logfile-2018-05-27.log”) and should be stored outside of the database that they are logging so as to avoid unnecessary risks. Log files can be dense to read but are very useful for security and debugging purposes:

The command above will generate a log file like the one shown, start the server, and tie the log file to the server. If a log file is not specified, events will be logged to the terminal:

The server will only start if the port is free. If the default server is running it must first be stopped using the pg_ctl -D /usr/local/var/postgres stop command:

Once started, it can be connected to the same way as before using:

Using PostgreSQL App

To run a server through the postgres app, the first step is to download the program. The app can be downloaded on Once the app is downloaded and moved into the applications folder, the app can be opened.

Open the Postgres app:

In order to start the server, click the start button.

This will start the server. Details on the server can be found by opening the server settings:

This interface shows all the essential information regarding the server. It also allows the port to be changed very easily. This is useful because multiple PostgreSQL servers can

Note: To change the port in the terminal, the ‘postgres.conf’ file (which can be found in the data directory) must be edited. This looks like the following:

Using Terminal with the PostgreSQL App

Once the app has been downloaded, command line tools can be used as well. These tools can be accessed by typing:

For example, the ‘postgres’ database on the server can be connected to using the psql tool with postgres as an argument:

Rather than typing out the full path each time however, the path can be added to a file that will allow significantly easier access to the tools, allowing the tools be accessed from any directory on the computer. To do this, the following command can be run in the terminal:

Once this is done, the ‘postgres’ database can be accessed by simply typing:


  • Homebrew:
    • Download/update Homebrew
    • Use Homebrew to install postgres
    • (Optional) Create New Data Directory
      • initdb
    • Start Server
  • App:
    • Download app and move to Applications
    • Run App
    • (Optional) Set different port for multiple servers
    • Start Server
    • (Optional) Add path so that command line tools are easy to access


Written by: Matthew Layne
Reviewed by: Blake Barnhill , Matt David


  1. Download Visual Studio Code for macOS.
  2. Open the browser's download list and locate the downloaded archive.
  3. Select the 'magnifying glass' icon to open the archive in Finder.
  4. Drag Visual Studio to the Applications folder, making it available in the macOS Launchpad.
  5. Add VS Code to your Dock by right-clicking on the icon to bring up the context menu and choosing Options, Keep in Dock.

Launching from the command line

You can also run VS Code from the terminal by typing 'code' after adding it to the path:

  • Launch VS Code.
  • Open the Command Palette (⇧⌘P (Windows, Linux Ctrl+Shift+P)) and type 'shell command' to find the Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH command.
  • Restart the terminal for the new $PATH value to take effect. You'll be able to type 'code .' in any folder to start editing files in that folder.

Note: If you still have the old code alias in your .bash_profile (or equivalent) from an early VS Code version, remove it and replace it by executing the Shell Command: Install 'code' command in PATH command.

Alternative manual instructions

Instead of running the command above, you can manually add VS Code to your path, to do so run the following commands:

Start a new terminal to pick up your .bash_profile changes.

Note: The leading slash is required to prevent $PATH from expanding during the concatenation. Remove the leading slash if you want to run the export command directly in a terminal.


Note: Since zsh became the default shell in macOS Catalina, run the following commands to add VS Code to your path:

Touch Bar support

Out of the box VS Code adds actions to navigate in editor history as well as the full Debug tool bar to control the debugger on your Touch Bar:

Mojave privacy protections

After upgrading to macOS Mojave version, you may see dialogs saying 'Visual Studio Code would like to access your {calendar/contacts/photos}.' This is due to the new privacy protections in Mojave and is not specific to VS Code. The same dialogs may be displayed when running other applications as well. The dialog is shown once for each type of personal data and it is fine to choose Don't Allow since VS Code does not need access to those folders. You can read a more detailed explanation in this blog post.


VS Code ships monthly releases and supports auto-update when a new release is available. If you're prompted by VS Code, accept the newest update and it will get installed (you won't need to do anything else to get the latest bits).

Note: You can disable auto-update if you prefer to update VS Code on your own schedule.

Mac Run App From Terminal File


Preferences menu

You can configure VS Code through settings, color themes, and custom keybindings and you will often see mention of the File > Preferences menu group. On a macOS, the Preferences menu group is under Code, not File.

Next steps

Once you have installed VS Code, these topics will help you learn more about VS Code:

  • Additional Components - Learn how to install Git, Node.js, TypeScript, and tools like Yeoman.
  • User Interface - A quick orientation around VS Code.
  • User/Workspace Settings - Learn how to configure VS Code to your preferences settings.

Run Application From Terminal

Common questions

Why do I see 'Visual Studio Code would like access to your calendar.'

If you are running macOS Mojave version, you may see dialogs saying 'Visual Studio Code would like to access your {calendar/contacts/photos}.' This is due to the new privacy protections in Mojave discussed above. It is fine to choose Don't Allow since VS Code does not need access to those folders.

VS Code fails to update

Mac Os X Run App From Terminal

If VS Code doesn't update once it restarts, it might be set under quarantine by macOS. Follow the steps in this issue for resolution.