Mac App Store is the simplest way to find and download apps for your Mac. To download apps from the Mac App Store, you need a Mac with OS X 10.6.6 or later. App Store purchases are safe and simple, so you can start playing, gaming, reading — or just doing — straight away. Create a secure account with your preferred payment method on file and it’s easily accessible across your devices and the web.

The Best Note-Taking Experience on OS X

Note-taking with Outline incorporates the best of OS X and the App functionality. Creating, organizing, storing and editing notes with Outline is as simple as that with a real paper notebook. Outline structure is flexible. It follows and reflects the way your ideas develop.

Safe data storage

Notes are safe and secure in Outline. Applied changes are regularly recorded and available to you offline. Also, you are free to choose any of the supported backup options. Strong password protection is a matter-of-course. You are in control over your notes!

Outline Word Processor and various additional tools can handle notes of a wide range of complexity. It makes Outline a universal note-taking app that will fit almost any professional and personal environment. Personalizing capabilities are unlimited.

Share Extensions

OS X Extensions deliver extended solutions in sharing experience. Just think of that – you can import necessary information, whether full page or snippet from Safari or Preview tool to Outline in few actions! In the same way, you will be able to use this tool in order to export data from Outline to any other app supporting Share Extensions.

Services are one of many innovations that are provided with Mac OS X. This feature allows transferring data between apps using contextual menu and makes this process faster and shorter, when generally it requires launching additional apps.

Print to Outline

One more way to insert content to Outline pages in double-click time. Send web pages, text, pictures from Safari and any app with printing support through Print dialog window. All information will be delivered as printout and attached PDF. Learn More

The App Store and Mac App Store showcase your amazing apps and help customers find new favorites. They’re also where our editors share stories about inspiring developers and their incredible work. Find out how customers can discover your apps, and learn how our editors select apps and developers to feature.


Categories on the App Store and Mac App Store sort apps based on their main function or subject matter. Customers can browse categories, such as Entertainment, Shopping, or Social Networking, to find related apps. You can assign a primary and a secondary category to your app. The primary category is particularly important for discoverability, as it helps users find your app when browsing or filtering search results, and it determines in which tab your app appears on the App Store.

Notebook app for ipad

To learn more, see Choosing a Category.

Today Tab

The Today tab on the App Store is a daily destination with original stories from our editors around the world, featuring exclusive premieres, new releases, a fresh look at our all-time favorites, an App of the Day, a Game of the Day, and more. It offers tips and how-to guides to help customers use apps in innovative ways, and showcases interviews with inspiring developers. Stories share Apple’s unique perspective on apps and games and how they impact our lives, using artwork, videos, and developer quotes to bring your apps to life.

Games and Apps Tabs

The App Store is also the world’s best game store, with dedicated experiences for games and apps that inform and engage customers through recommendations on new releases and updates, videos, top charts, and handpicked collections and categories. Both tabs also feature app preview videos that autoplay with muted audio as customers scroll through the tabs, and selected in-app purchases — which customers can start buying directly on the App Store.

Notebook The App

Promoted In-App Purchases

Customers can browse in-app purchases directly on the App Store and start a purchase even before downloading your app, helping your app’s content gain exposure. You can promote up to 20 in-app purchases, including subscriptions, on your app’s product page. They can also appear in search results and may be featured by our editorial team.

For details, see Promoting Your In-App Purchases.


Discover is where customers find the best new releases and updates on the Mac App Store. Each week, our editors shine a light on incredible apps and games with in-depth stories, behind-the-scenes interviews, and curated collections to help customers do more of what they love with their Mac.

Notebook Application Mac


Create is where customers find powerful apps that make creating on a Mac intuitive, efficient, and fun, with helpful tips and tours that even experts will find useful.



Work is where we showcase new favorites that support focus and organization. With curated collections and how-tos from our editors, finding the right business, productivity, and utility apps is easy.


Play is where we highlight great games and entertainment apps, with recommendations of new releases, all-time favorites, and handpicked collections.


Develop is where our editors curate the best developer tools and utilities to help bring your creativity and imagination to customers around the world.

Getting Featured

App Store editors write stories that showcase apps in interesting and informative ways. Our editors base their decisions on a variety of factors, all of which amount to a great product that customers will love. There is no paid placement or checklist of requirements for apps we write about or feature.

Stories.App Store editors talk about apps that have a unique story for example, a behind-the-scenes look at how a developer launched an app that disrupted an industry or how an app helped a customer solve a unique problem.

Apps and Games. When considering apps to feature, our editors look for high-quality apps across all categories, with a particular focus on new apps and apps with significant updates. Factors that our editors consider include:

  • UI design: the usability, appeal, and overall quality of the app
  • User experience: the efficiency and functionality of the app
  • Innovation: apps that solve a unique problem for customers
  • Localizations: high-quality and relevant
  • Accessibility: well-integrated features
  • App Store product page: compelling screenshots, app previews, and descriptions
  • Uniqueness

For games, editors also consider:

  • Gameplay and level of engagement
  • Graphics and performance
  • Audio
  • Narrative and story depth
  • Ability to replay
  • Gameplay controls
Mac App Store Notebook

Mac App Store Notebook Apps

Tell us your story.

Best Notebook App For Mac

If your app has a unique story that our editorial team should know, tell us about it. For new apps or a significant update, let us know six to eight weeks in advance of your launch.